RPM [Recommended]

Deploy ZbxTable using RPM package

It is recommended to add Zbxtable repo for system installation and update.

Since ZbxTable is written in Go language, there is no system built, it is recommended to use RPM to install, it is recommended to use ZbxTable’s yum source, which can facilitate the installation of various components and use yum update to update the components.

Add yum repo

CentOS 6.x x86_64

rpm -Uvh https://repo.cactifans.com/zbxtable/1.0/rhel/6/x86_64/zbxtable-release-1.0-1.el6.noarch.rpm
yum clean all

CentOS 7.x x86_64

rpm -Uvh https://repo.cactifans.com/zbxtable/1.0/rhel/7/x86_64/zbxtable-release-1.0-1.el7.noarch.rpm
yum clean all

CentOS 8.x x86_64

rpm -Uvh https://repo.cactifans.com/zbxtable/1.0/rhel/8/x86_64/zbxtable-release-1.0-1.el8.noarch.rpm
dnf clean all


Install Zbxtable

yum install zbxtable -y

Install Zbxtable-Web

yum install zbxtable-web -y

Install ms-agent

yum install ms-agent -y


Zbxtable Configuration

Database initialization

Follow the commands below to create a database and user

# mysql -uroot -p
mysql> create database zbxtable character set utf8 collate utf8_bin;
mysql> create user zbxtable@localhost identified by 'zbxtablepwd123';
mysql> grant all privileges on zbxtable.* to zbxtable@localhost;
mysql> quit;

Modify the configuration file

The configuration file is conf/app.conf

appname = zbxtable
httpport = 8084
runmode = prod
autorender = false
copyrequestbody = true
EnableDocs = true
#session expiration time, the unit is hour, the default is 12 hours. If you need to automatically refresh the large screen, it is recommended to configure a larger configuration time
session_timeout = 12

hostname = localhost
username = zbxtable
dbpsword = zbxtablepwd123
database = zbxtable
port = 3306
dbprefix = zbxtable_

#zabbix web info
zabbix_server =
zabbix_user = Admin
zabbix_pass = zabbix

#alarm send token
token = ec573cf7388da56916f75ba9bbe46a69

Main configuration

  • zabbix web info 为 访问 zabbix web 的地址及账号密码,确保使用 zabbix_server 所配置的地址能使用浏览器访问 zabbix web 页面,如果你的zabbix web访问地址为http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xx/zabbix 则这里也需要加后缀/zabbix,配置用户建议为Admin管理员用户,其他用户可能存在权限问题无法查看图形。
  • token 为 ms-agent 与 ZbxTable 平台通信的 token,可自行修改及配置,与 ms-agent 配置的 token 保持一致即可,具体可查看 ms-agent 文档https://github.com/canghai908/ms-agent


After modifying the configuration, use the following command to start

systemctl enable --now zbxtable


systemctl restart zbxtable

Check service status

systemctl status zbxtable

一定要确保zbxtable服务是Active: active (running) 状态,如不是正常状态,建议查看日志/usr/local/zbxtable/logs/zbxtable.log


如启动失败或者出现错误错误,可修改通过需改程序配置文件,修改运行模式为 dev 模式,并重启 zbxtable,查看程序日志解决,日志位于 logs/zbxtable.log

Zbxtable-Web 配置

安装好之后文件位于/usr/local/zbxtable/web 前端为纯静态文件,需使用 nginx,如机器未安装 nginx,使用以下命令安装 nginx

yum install nginx -y

拷贝 nginx 配置文件

cp /usr/local/zbxtable/nginx.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/

重启 nginx

systemctl restart nginx


systemctl enable  nginx

使用http://ip:8088 即可访问系统,系统默认账号:admin 密码:Zbxtable

ms-agent 配置


ms-agent 需使用 zbxtable 命令完成在 Zabbix Server 的配置,包括创建用户,配置动作等配置。配置过程如下,确保 ZbxTable 配置文件里的 Zabbix Server 信息配置正确

cd /usr/local/zbxtable
./zbxtable install


2020/07/18 23:22:16.881 [I] [install.go:43]  Zabbix API Address: http://zabbix-server/api_jsonrpc.php
2020/07/18 23:22:16.881 [I] [install.go:44]  Zabbix Admin User: Admin
2020/07/18 23:22:16.881 [I] [install.go:45]  Zabbix Admin Password: xxxxx
2020/07/18 23:22:17.716 [I] [install.go:52]  登录zabbix平台成功!
2020/07/18 23:22:17.879 [I] [install.go:69]  创建告警媒介成功!
2020/07/18 23:22:18.027 [I] [install.go:82]  创建告警用户组成功!
2020/07/18 23:22:18.198 [I] [install.go:113]  创建告警用户成功!
2020/07/18 23:22:18.198 [I] [install.go:114]  用户名:ms-agent
2020/07/18 23:22:18.198 [I] [install.go:115]  密码:xxxx
2020/07/18 23:22:18.366 [I] [install.go:167]  创建告警动作成功!
2020/07/18 23:22:18.366 [I] [install.go:168]  插件安装完成!

表示配置成功.此步骤会在 Zabbix Server 创建 ms-agent,密码为随机,并配置相关 Action 和 Media Type,并关联到用户.



程序 路径 作用
ms-agent /usr/lib/zabbix/alertscripts/ms-agent 接收 Zabbix 平台产生的告警并发送到 ZbxTable 平台
app.ini /etc/ms-agent/app.ini ms-agent 配置文件

如果你的 Zabbix Server 的 alertscripts 目录不为/usr/lib/zabbix/alertscripts/ 需要移动 ms-agen 到你的 zabbix server 的 alertscripts 目录下即可,否则会在 Zabbix 告警页面出现找不到 ms-agent 的错误提示,也无法收到告警消息。 也可以修改 Zabbix Server 的配置文件,将 alertscripts 目录指向/usr/lib/zabbix/alertscripts/

vi zabbix_server.conf


修改后重启 Zabbix Server 生效


/etc/ms-agent/app.ini 为程序配置文件,默认内容如下

Debug = 1
LogSavePath = /tmp
Host =
Token = ec573cf7388da56916f75ba9bbe46a69

Debug 为程序日志级别 0 是 debug,1 为 info

LogSavePath 为日志目录,默认为/tmp 目录

Host 为 ZbxTable 系统地址,默认为 http 服务器 IP+/v1/receive

Token 与 ZbxTable 通信的 Token,可自行修改,需要与 ZbxTable 平台配置保持一致即可,否则无法接收告警。


可修改配置文件打开 Debug 模式,查看日志文件名格式如下/tmp/ms-agent_yyyymmdd.log